The Municipality of the County of Cumberland regularly advertises requests for proposals (RFPs) and tenders for a variety of projects and initiatives. This information is also posted on the Provincial Procurement Site. You may access this site by visiting Public Notices and Standing Offer...
Municipality of Cumberland makes changes to River Hebert Transfer Station
12 March 2025
The Municipality of Cumberland has completed changes to the River Hebert Transfer Station to meet Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change’s new regulations for construction and demolition (C&D) transfer stations and the handling of chemically treated wood. Chemically treated wood (i.e...
The Municipality of the County of Cumberland is currently advertising a request for proposal for “Asbestos Removal at Cinderblock Building - Cape d'Or, Cumberland County“
The Municipality of Cumberland is looking for an interested resident to serve as a citizen member on the Tyndal Wellfield Advisory Committee. Term ends Oct. 31, 2025. Please submit a letter outlining your interest and qualifications to Amanda Kinnear on or before, March 17, 2025. Email:...