Accessibility Tools


apply for building permitTo apply for a building permit, to be granted subdivision approval, or to apply for a development agreement, please visit Forms & Applications

To review the following, please go to Policies or By-Laws.

  • Land-Use By-Law
  • Building Code By-Law
  • Fees Policy
  • Municipal Planning Strategy

The Municipality is currently undergoing a Municipal Planning Strategy/ Land Use By-Law Review. For more information on this exciting initiative, please visit Plan Cumberland.

See our map gallery for zoning maps.

To speak to one of our Building Officials or our Municipal Planner, please contact us.

Permitting and Inspections - Construction Bulletins

For more information about planning and permitting, please see our pdf Planning & Permitting Information Sheet (766 KB) .

For quick reference on deck construction see our pdf Typical Residential Deck Construction Details - Frequently Asked Questions (273 KB) .

For information on adaptable housing requirements, see our pdf Adaptable Housing Requirements Guide (387 KB) .