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We are not too far from the days when the leaves turn, hot chocolate is warming on the range and we are going to need to heat our homes. Statistics show that fires increase in the winter months. During winter months, heating equipment is the leading cause of home fires.” First, have your heating system serviced by a qualified technician. If you don’t have an evacuation plan, think about creating one.

We’ve all heard it the recommendations, but most of us never follow the advice of those who are best positioned to help us. Every home, particularly those with young children, elderly adults, handicapped or the infirm, should have an evacuation plan. Having a plan is only part of what should be completed. Experts recommend that every plan be practiced at least twice per year. You can help children understand the importance of having an escape plan by using Sparky’s help.

In the event of a fire, time is the biggest enemy and every second counts. In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. Escape plans can help you get out of your home quickly.

Create and practice your escape plan
If your home catches on fire: STAY LOW, GET OUT and STAY OUT!
If your clothes catch fire: STOP, DROP, and ROLL until the flames are put out
Never open doors that are hot to the touch, use another way to escape including a window.
Replace smoke alarms that are older than 10 years
Test alarms monthly by pushing the “test” button for 3-5 seconds

Tips on Home Fire Escape Planning

  • Draw a floor plan of your home using a home escape plan template. Escape plan file
  • Show two ways out of every room-including windows.
  • To escape from upper story windows buy an Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) approved collapsible ladder.
  • Practice escaping from every room in the home. Make sure everyone understands the escape plan.
  • Make sure that windows and screens can be easily opened.
  • Provide alternatives for anyone with a disability.
  • Teach children not to hide from firefighters.
  • Agree on a meeting place where everyone will gather after you have escaped.
  • Remember to GET OUT FIRST and then call for help.
  • Practice your plan at least twice a year, making sure that everyone is involved.
  • Cumberland County Fire Serv