Proposed Springhill Solar Project
The Municipality of Cumberland, in partnership with the Alternative Resource Energy Authority , is preparing a proposal for the Province of Nova Scotia’s Community Solar Program, which was launched by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables in February 2024. You can learn more about the program at Community Solar Program.
As part of the application process, the municipality is currently conducting essential studies, including site selection analysis, geotechnical assessments, preliminary environmental work along with preliminary engineering and design.
This community solar project is a collaborative effort between the Municipality of Cumberland and the Town of Truro, with AREA responsible for managing its construction. The project aims to provide renewable energy to you and other Nova Scotians.
If the project is approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, the Municipality of Cumberland and the Town of Truro will collectively own the solar project and sell energy to Nova Scotia Power Inc. under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), ensuring long-term sustainable benefits for the community.
Amherst Solar
What is a PPA?
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are contractual agreements between electricity generators and buyers. They are commonly used in the renewable energy industry, although they can also be employed in traditional energy sectors.
In a PPA, the electricity generator agrees to sell a specified amount of electricity to the buyer (in this case, Nova Scotia Power, Inc.) over a predetermined period of 25 years. The buyer, in turn, commits to purchasing the agreed-upon electricity output at an agreed-upon price.
Parrsboro Solar
Who is involved?
Residents of the Municipality of Cumberland and the Town of Truro will have the first option to subscribe to the project. Solar subscriptions for community members provide citizens with an accessible and inclusive alternative to rooftop solar. Municipal Councils will need to approve the subscription process, which is currently under development.
What has the process been so far?
The site at 2 Herrett Road, Springhill has been selected as the development location because of:
- Access to transmission lines.
- It is a post-industrial site.
- The land is owned by the municipality.
We are proposing a 7-megawatt (MW) solar project, which is estimated to produce green energy to power more than 1,000 homes.
The Springhill Solar Project Objectives
- Develop a solar project that provides significant environmental and economic benefits to project owners and the communities they serve
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support Nova Scotia’s climate actions and renewable energy objectives
- Provide project owners’ residents with clean, renewable energy at affordable prices.
Springhill Solar Project Q&A
1. Why was the location selected?
- Access to Nova Scotia Power electrical grid.
- Site heavily impacted by former coal mining activities, likely unsuitable for other uses, not heavily forested.
- The site is owned by the Municipality.
- This site is considered a very good location for a large solar installation, with favourable conditions such as low land costs, suitable geotechnical conditions, and minimal water table interference.
2. Are there any other sites you are looking at?
- No specific additional sites are under consideration as the current site has been identified as highly suitable for the project.
3. How long will construction take?
- Site development work such as design and procurement and other government processes will take about a year and a half.
- After the project is awarded the Power Purchase Agreement, and the Councils of municipal owners approve the project, site construction activities will take from a year to a year and a half.
4. Operational and construction noise?
- There will be construction noise during the development, but only during working hours.
- Once the solar project is operational, there will be no noise.
5. What exactly will be put on the site?
- Approximately 20,000 solar panels will be installed on the project site.
6. Do you have a mocked-up picture of what it will look like?
- Pictures of two smaller solar gardens can be found on the Springhill Solar Project page on the Municipality’s website ( – click on the solar panel icon on the home page).
7 Will there be reflections from the panels?
- There could be short times during the day (depending on the time of year) when reflections are noticeable within the community.
- However, existing trees at the edge of the property should block any or most reflections.
8. Where are the solar panels made?
- The solar panels for this project are manufactured by LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a leading company based in China. Founded in 2000, LONGi is known for its high efficiency, durability, and innovative technology. It has consistently ranked as the world's largest solar panel producer and is recognized for offering cost-effective solutions. With a strong global presence, LONGi has established itself as a trusted brand in the solar industry.
9. How long do the solar panels last?
- Solar panels typically last 25 to 30 years.
10. Are solar panels recyclable at the end of their life span?
- A paper by the Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA), titled “Sustainable energy: Recycling Renewables” highlights that up to 90% of a solar panel's materials can be recycled through the following process:
- The aluminum frame is fully reusable, with 100% of it being recoverable.
- The glass can be separated from the panel, and 95% of it is recyclable.
- Solar cell materials can be collected, with 80% of them suitable for reuse or recycling.
- Plastic components that are no longer functional can be vaporized through thermal processing (high heat) and repurposed as a heat source.
- The silicon is removed and melted into blocks, with 85% of it being reusable.
11. Will disposing of the panels cause environmental harm?
- No significant environmental harm is expected. Disposal processes must comply with provincial standards, ensuring proper recycling and waste management practices.
12. How much land does the project require?
- The project will use between 40 and 50 acres of land.
13. Will my property value go down?
- We do not anticipate property values going down as this is being developed on a post-industrial site.
- A review by Strum Consulting of scientific research on this topic conducted in the US and regulatory proceedings in Canada (by the Alberta Utilities Commission in Alberta) concluded that any effects on property values are not significant.
14. What is the total cost of the project?
- The estimated cost is between $20 million and $25 million, depending on design, market rates, and geotechnical findings. Solar costs are decreasing, but the business plan will include contingency funds to address unexpected expenses.
15. How is the project financed? How much of the project cost is absorbed by taxpayers?
- Application development costs (e.g., feasibility and environmental studies) are partly financed by a grant from the Low Carbon Communities program, with the balance being shared by the participating municipalities.
- Construction and operation costs would be financed by a loan from Municipal Finance. Revenue from a power purchase agreement with Nova Scotia Power would cover the borrowing costs through electricity revenues. The development plan will include contingencies to avoid costs being borne by municipal taxpayers.
16. What are the possible drawbacks of the project?
- Like any large undertaking, this project carries risks:
- Unforeseen construction or operational challenges.
- Variations in energy generation due to environmental factors.
- Financial risks associated with revenue not meeting projections.
These risks are mitigated through careful planning, insurance, and contingency budgets. The municipalities may seek other partners for the project, which would improve the application’s chances of success and spread the risk.
17. What are the benefits of this solar project?
- The project provides several layers of benefits:
- For owner municipalities: Profits from selling power to Nova Scotia Power are returned to the municipalities. The initiative fosters economic collaboration between municipalities.
- For subscribers: The project aims to provide some residents and possibly some non-profit organizations with an opportunity to “subscribe” to the project. Subscribers will receive a small discount on their power bills. There will be no cost to subscribe, but other aspects of the subscription process will only be determined by the municipal councils after the full business case has been developed.
- For the local economy: The project would generate 75 job-years of employment during its lifetime and would support local contractors and businesses during construction.
- For the environment: The project would supply enough green, renewable energy to the electrical power grid to serve the equivalent of approximately 1200 average homes. This would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases currently emitted to generate electricity in the province.
18. How was the partnership with Truro formed?
- The partnership with Truro was established because Truro was interested in investing in a large green energy project such as utility-scale solar, but doesn’t have the space within its Town boundaries, while Cumberland has the space but did not wish to assume all the costs and potential risk on its own.
19. Why isn’t the project shared with other municipalities?
- The initial focus is on Cumberland and Truro because they are the primary contributors to the project. Other municipalities are not currently part of this specific initiative. However, this collaborative model could be applied to other areas in the future.
20. How will ownership and benefits be shared between the partners?
- Ownership and benefits of large projects are typically shared in proportion to the contributions made and risks assumed by the partners. In this case, the exact proportion of those contributions will only be negotiated after the full costs and expected revenue from the project have been fully studied.
21. How will the community provide input for the project?
- Community engagement is a critical part of the process. All residents of the community were invited to an open House at the Dr. Carson and Marion Murray Community Centre that was held on November 21st. If the application to the Community Solar program is successful, and a Power Purchase Agreement is awarded, there will be additional opportunities to provide input. In the meantime, people can ask questions or provide input by sending an email to:
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22. Will the power generated be sold outside Nova Scotia?
- No, the power generated by this project will remain within Nova Scotia.
23. How many households are there in the Municipality of the County of Cumberland?
- According to Canada Census 2021, there were approximately 13,000 private dwellings in the Municipality that year. There has been an increase since then, but we don’t have exact numbers at this point.
24. What are the advantages of solar compared to wind energy?
- Solar and wind are complementary:
- Wind: Generates more energy in winter and during nighttime, aligning with high electricity demand.
- Solar: Produces power during the day and in summer, when demand also peaks. The mix of both technologies contributes to a balanced and reliable renewable energy system.
25. Will there be public access to ATVs and dog walkers?
- There will be a fence (with a gate) around the solar panel array to prevent theft and vandalism. ATV riders, dog walkers, and other members of the public will not be permitted inside that area. Public access to the remainder of the property will not be restricted, except for temporary limitations during construction. Upgrading the access road will require brief closures or restrictions to ensure safety during the roadwork.
26. Will the public be allowed to vote on this solar farm?
- The Municipality will continue to provide information to and receive input from, the public as the planning and application process moves forward, but the decision-making authority for this type of project rests with the public’s elected representatives – Municipal Council. When it comes time to decide whether to proceed, there will be a large amount of financial and technical information on the table, along with all the public input that has been received. If Council decides that the benefits of holding a plebiscite or referendum would outweigh the costs, then a vote could be held.
27. Can the project be expanded to other areas of the municipality?
- The current Provincial Community Solar program is limited to 100 megawatts for the entire province. Expansion of the current Cumberland / Truro project to other parts of the Municipality would depend on provincial approvals and resource availability.
28. Is solar cheaper than wind energy?
- Not typically. Wind energy has lower costs in an unsubsidized market, which is why wind projects often succeed in competitive requests for proposals. However, solar is still cost-effective and aligns well with community ownership models.
29. What plans are in place for the wildlife displaced by the farm?
- The project site was selected in part because it has been heavily impacted by former coal mining activities. A “Wetland, Watercourse, and Species at Risk Field Assessment” was carried out by Strum Consulting for the Municipality in October 2024. The Assessment covered the proposed project site and surrounding lands owned by the Municipality. One wetland was identified within the proposed project site and the proposed layout of the panels is being altered to avoid that area, along with a 15-meter buffer zone. No species at risk or evidence of endangered or threatened species were observed. As with any large development project in an undeveloped area, there may be some displacement of wildlife. At present, there are no plans in place to address the potential displacement of wildlife. Any concerns in this regard should be emailed to:
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Subscription related questions
30. Who can subscribe to the Community Solar Garden?
- Subscriptions will be allocated based on each owner municipality’s share in the project. Within each municipality, the subscription process and criteria will be developed based on the following:
- Community feedback including the Open House held on November 21st in Springhill.
- Guiding principles for the Community Solar Program provided by the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, encouraging applicants to prioritize marginalized and equity-deserving populations.
- The Municipality of Cumberland and the Town of Truro will design a subscription process with prioritized groups of potential subscribers.
- Subscribers must be customers of NS Power and cannot participate in net metering or the self-generation option. Subscribers will probably have to be located in the Municipality or the Town of Truro.
- After the Power Purchase Agreement is awarded, based on the Staff’s recommendation and the community’s feedback, the Elected Councils of the Municipality and the Town will approve the subscription program, and open it for people to apply.
31. How does the subscription work?
- Once the details of the subscription program have been approved by the municipal Councils, eligible customers of NSPI will be invited to apply. The application process will likely include providing some sort of proof that the applicant belongs to the targeted group or groups the municipalities are hoping will directly benefit from the project. The process could be similar to that contained in the Municipality’s current Low Income Tax Exemption Policy.
32. What are the benefits of becoming a subscriber?
- Each month, subscribers will receive a credit based on the actual amount of energy the solar garden generates and in proportion to their subscription size as a percentage of the solar garden’s nameplate capacity.
- Nova Scotia Power is responsible for crediting subscribers on their electricity bill.
- The credit (2 cents per kilowatt-hour used) is the same for every subscriber and does not change throughout the life of the project (25 years).
- A NS Power customer can choose to replace from 10% to 100% of their electricity usage with solar. The municipalities may decide to limit this ratio less than 100% to allow the benefit to be extended to more people.
For example:
- If a resident’s average annual electrical bill is $2,400, and they have qualified to subscribe 100% of their energy use replaced with solar, the subscription would be 8kW. A subscription of this size is estimated to generate 12,000kWh annually. The annual solar energy credit would be $240 (12,000 kWh X $0.02 per kWh), or an average of $20 per month. If the municipalities decide to limit individual subscriptions to 50% of that customer’s energy use, the annual credit would be $120.00.
- The solar energy credit is based on the actual energy generated by the solar garden, so it will vary each month based on the season and the weather (a lot more in the summer and a lot less in the winter).
33. What is the cost to subscribe?
- There will be no application fees or subscription fees for being a subscriber.
- Subscribers will receive solar energy credits as a discount on their electricity bill.
- Subscribers will still be responsible for paying the remaining electricity usage that is not covered by the solar garden subscription, in addition to the regular monthly base fee (and any other fees and tariffs required).
34. How is this a better option than rooftop solar?
- It’s accessible for renters and those without a roof orientation suitable for solar panels.
- The community solar garden will provide an electricity bill credit without the risks of installing and maintaining your own system, without a cost to subscribe.
35. Does the subscription follow me if I move?
- Although the rules for the subscription program have not yet been approved by the Councils, it is likely that if a person moves to another location within the municipality, and if they continue to meet any other eligibility criteria, the subscription would follow that person. If the move is outside the municipality, it is highly unlikely the subscription would be allowed to follow.
36. Can the subscription be transferred to another person?
- Although the subscription criteria have not been approved by the Councils, all the criteria currently under consideration relate to the individual applying, so it is unlikely a subscription could be transferred to another person.
37. Does a higher energy user, like a business, gain more financial benefit than a household?
- The cost savings are proportional to energy usage (e.g., 2 cents per kilowatt-hour). However, subscription criteria will prioritize equity, ensuring marginalized groups and individuals with greater needs have more access. It is very unlikely that businesses and other higher energy users would be eligible to apply for a subscription. One type of exemption that will probably be considered would be a non-profit organization providing services to an equity-deserving group (e.g., a food bank).
How can I learn more?
For more information on the Springhill solar project please email