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Folder Community of Springhill By-Laws
Folder Former Town of Parrsboro By-Laws
Folder Springhill By-Laws for Repeal
Select Toggle Title
pdf Alternative Voting By law 20 03 ( pdf, 521 KB )
pdf Building By-Law 16-01 ( pdf, 265 KB )
pdf By-Law Respecting Tax Exemption for Fire Companies, Charitable and Non-Profit Organizations Repeal By-Law ( pdf, 180 KB )
pdf By-Law to Amend the Noise By-Law 23-01 ( pdf, 25 KB )
pdf By-Law to Amend the Solid Waste By Law 21-08 ( pdf, 27 KB )
pdf By-Law to Establish and Regulate Fire Departments in the MCC 23-03 ( pdf, 223 KB )
pdf By-Law to Repeal Taxi By Laws 19-02 ( pdf, 153 KB )
pdf Canine Control By-Law 20-01 ( pdf, 3.87 MB )
pdf Civic Addressing By-Law 06-03 ( pdf, 218 KB )
pdf Cumberland Land Use Bylaw With Schedules 2020 Web (1) ( pdf, 26.95 MB )
pdf Cumberland Streets and Sidewalks By-Law 07 09 ( pdf, 343 KB )
pdf Deed Transfer Tax By-Law 09 02 ( pdf, 26 KB )
pdf Fire and Burglar Alarm By-Law 07-08 ( pdf, 189 KB )
pdf Heritage By-Law 85-02 ( pdf, 41 KB )
pdf Licenses By-Law 84-03 ( pdf, 38 KB )
pdf Livestock Control By Law 20 02 ( pdf, 221 KB )
pdf Local Improvement By Law 21 01 ( pdf, 278 KB )
pdf Maintenance and Improvements of Private Roads By-Law 07-06 ( pdf, 300 KB )
pdf Nappan Water By-Law 02-01 ( pdf, 89 KB )
pdf Noise By-Law 09-01 Amended May 2023 ( pdf, 226 KB )
pdf Open Air Burning By Law 21-06 ( pdf, 107 KB )
pdf Outdoor Wood Burning Appliances By-Law 06-12 ( pdf, 109 KB )
pdf PACE Property Assessed Clean Energy By Law 19 04 ( pdf, 293 KB )
pdf Penalties By-Law 84-04 ( pdf, 35 KB )
pdf Petty Offences By-Law 84-05 ( pdf, 37 KB )
pdf Protection from Second Hand Smoke By Law 19 01 ( pdf, 298 KB )
pdf Public Safety By-Law 84-06 ( pdf, 37 KB )
pdf Public Sewers By Law 20 04 ( pdf, 1.52 MB )
pdf Regional Emergency Management By Law 13 02 ( pdf, 123 KB )
pdf Repeal of Swimming Pool By-Law 06-02 ( pdf, 24 KB )
pdf Septage Hauling Licensing By-Law 21-09 ( pdf, 166 KB )
pdf Solid Waste By Law 18 02 ( pdf, 433 KB )
pdf Solid Waste Bylaw with repealed and replaced Sections Feb 15, 2022 ( pdf, 433 KB )
pdf Solid Waste Collectors By-Law 06-15 ( pdf, 379 KB )
pdf Sunset Residential Centre By Law 84 09 ( pdf, 155 KB )
pdf The Seal By-Law 84-10 ( pdf, 56 KB )
pdf Truck Route By Law 23-02 ( pdf, 306 KB )
pdf Upper Nappan Water Supply By-Law 98-01 ( pdf, 57 KB )
pdf Water Utility Tax Exemption By-Law 85-03 ( pdf, 36 KB )