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Skating at the Parrsboro rink is just one of the highlights of the Fundy Shore Winter Carnival.
Skating at the Parrsboro rink is just one of the highlights of the Fundy Shore Winter Carnival.

Cumberland County is ready to celebrate with a pair of winter carnivals in Springhill and along the Fundy Shore from Debert in Colchester County to Advocate Harbour in Cumberland County.

Come out of hibernation and participate in four days of fun and laughter at the 2024 Chilli Willi Winter Festival.

This year there’ll be all sorts of ways to chase away the winter blues with a teen winter campfire social, adult trivia night, chilli cook-off, children’s Winter Olympics, outdoor Snowrobics and Snoga sessions, a live action family show, glow-in-the-dark family skate, walking track trivia, winter scavenger hunt, colouring contests, French toast breakfast and much more.

Follow the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre social media ( for updates to the schedule.

There are several new events this year at Chilli Willi, including a trivia night, a teen campfire social and live action family show.Calendar of Events

A couple of these events are hosted by community newcomers who shared their excitement in the festival.

“I think the festival is a fantastic idea. I am from Corner Brook, N.L. The city has been holding its annual winter carnival for decades. It grew from a small thing into a multi-day, multi-activity event,” said Kris Reid, who is organizing the adult trivia and live action family show. “I have hosted dozens of events at the carnival over the years and I am thrilled to be able to start doing things at the Springhill festival.”

The Children’s Winter Olympics is a new outdoor activity that invites children ages five through 11 to test their skills in a just-for-fun Winter Olympics that includes events like snow baseball, a snowball relay and snow golf.

Each participant will receive a goodie bag with a small prize and snacks.

“It’s a great way to introduce kids to winter-style sports, encourage fair play and join in on some good old-fashioned snow play,” said recreation programmer for the Municipality of Cumberland Nick Leopold.

The popular Chilli Cook-off is returning with the reigning champion, Jennifer Embree, set to defend her crown.

Six contestants will vie for bragging rights and some great prizes, compliments of Springhill Foodland. The public is invited to taste-test samples and cast a ballot for their favourite chili on Feb. 18 from 12 - 1 p.m.

The winner announcement will take place at 1:15 p.m. once the ballots have been counted.

 Parrsboro Carnival day

Ashley Redmond, the new manager of the Springhill Foodland, is “thrilled to be here running the store” and has been looking to find opportunities to introduce herself to the public.

Be sure to stop by and welcome Ashley to the community and cast your vote.

“We are always grateful for community involvement, from participants to organizers and supporters of events and look forward to growing participation each year! We hope Chilli Willi provides a nice break mid-winter for the community to gather at several events and share a few laughs and each others company,” the municipality’s manager of recreation programs and services Corey Skinner said.

Meanwhile, the Sixth Fundy Shore Winter Carnival is happening Thursday, Feb. 15 to Monday, Feb. 19 in communities all along the Fundy shore from Debert to Joggins.

The Fundy Shore Winter Carnival committee is made of representatives from the Municipality of Cumberland, Municipality of Colchester, Community Health Boards in both counties, and the Cumberland Library association.  

“The committee comes together each year with the common goal - to help support getting people outside, active, socializing, and having fun during the middle of our gorgeous east coast winter,” Carolyn Bollwerk, active living coordinator for the Municipality of Cumberland, said. “Days are shorter and nights are longer, so it is a great opportunity to offer fun and engaging activities or events for residents of all ages at a time when many are more likely to hunker down at home.

“Community organizations and volunteers are the backbone of the carnival by organizing dozens of opportunities all along the Fundy shore.”

Chilli Willi

The Fundy Shore Winter Carnival spans a vast area and focuses on providing these opportunities during a busy five-day period.

The intention is to build community through fun and play during an often dreary time of year. The carnival strives to serve residents of all ages with a variety of different opportunities – from cozy community meals to moonlight snowshoe hikes.

Other options might include card games with a lunch-in, snow people building contest, knitting circles, movies, sledding parties, new winter sport opportunities, guided hikes, sleigh rides, and much more. 

New this year is Carnival Day on Monday, Feb. 19, at the Parrsboro Lions Arena and Lions Den.

There’ll be fun activities and games, including the ability to pet some cool animals (snakes, hedgehogs, potbelly pigs and more), take a horse-drawn wagon ride with Spirit Ridge Farm, get your caricature drawn by Andre Boulard, eat tasty rink food, join the family skating party, and much more.

There’ll also be kick sledding with Jimmie White at the high school soccer field, balloon animals with Helen the Clown, booths with family games and activities and a Winter Wonderland Skate Extravaganza with lights, music and a video screen at the Parrsboro Lions Arena from noon to 2 p.m.

Please follow the Fundy Shore Winter Carnival Facebook page ( for details.

A calendar of events will be sent home with children through the schools – and a wellness bingo card for adults, seniors, and children to fill out for a chance to win exciting prices.