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The Municipality of Cumberland is expanding the size of its youth council and opening membership up to older students.

Municipal council passed a motion at its November regular meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 23, to expand the youth council’s size from 8 to 12 members while eliminating the requirement that every district be represented and opening up membership to no more than three people from outside the municipality.

Council has also agreed to change the eligibility from students in Grades 7 to 12 to students ages 12 to 25.

Coun. Jennifer Houghtaling is the appointed liaison between municipal council and the youth council. She reported in October that her recruitment efforts at area schools resulted in five applications. 

Municipal council appoints Rachel Sovka to poverty committee

Cumberland municipal council has voted to approve the appointment of Rachel Sovka as the municipality’s representative to the poverty reduction advisory committee.

Sovka replaces Hannah Landry, the county’s present representative, who resigned from the committee.

Sovka has spent her career in international development and humanitarian aid across five continents and worked with the impoverished in areas of West Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. 

Cumberland County approves $3,000 grant for Wallace Community Centre Society

Cumberland municipal council has approved to a motion to provide a $3,000 grant to the Wallace Area Community Centre Society.

Staff received the grant request from the society to assist with the operation of the community centre. 

Cumberland County to provide a one-time grant to the non-profit organization Cornerstone

Cumberland municipal council has decided to provide a one-time grant of $15,000 to Cornerstone to help it hire an executive director for a one-year term.

Cornerstone is a non-profit, volunteer-led organization working towards establishing additional affordable housing units in Amherst and the establishment of the first permanent emergency transitional housing facility within the town.