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Mayor Murray Scott signs a proclamation declaring National Legion Week within the Municipality of Cumberland while Justin McKay and Deputy Mayor Mark Joseph look on.
Mayor Murray Scott signs a proclamation declaring National Legion Week within the Municipality of Cumberland while Justin McKay and Deputy Mayor Mark Joseph look on.

Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott and Deputy Mayor Mark Joseph joined with Justin McKay, sergeant-at-arms with Branch 10 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Amherst to proclaim National Legion Week within the municipality.

Along with the proclamation, the Legion Flag was raised and will fly at the Upper Nappan Service Centre through the week.

National Legion Week is designed to educate visitors on the good work their local Branch does in their community. It reinforces the important role Branches play in our shared mission to serve and support our Veterans, as well as contribute to the well-being of so many communities. It serves as a vehicle to drive new traffic to Branches, attract new members and sign up new volunteers.Legion Week

Deputy Mayor Mark Joseph (left) and Mayor Murray Scott (centre) help Justin McKay raise the legion flag at the Upper Nappan Service Centre.


The Royal Canadian Legion has a long history of proudly supporting Veterans in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia and the rest of Canada.

When the First World War came to an end, numerous veterans groups and regimental associations representing former service members were created. But their efforts were fragmented and unsuccessful. 

It was in 1925 when the Legion was founded as the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League with its charter issued in July 1926.

On December 19, 1960, Queen Elizabeth II gave her consent to use the prefix 'Royal', and the organization became known as 'The Royal Canadian Legion."

The Legion’s initial main objective was to provide a strong voice for First World War Veterans. However, the advent of the Second World War created a host of new demands. The Legion expanded to offer more dedicated support to Veterans, as well as those serving abroad.

Today, the Legion continues to improve the lives of Veterans, including serving Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families. This has been our principal objective since our inception and we will continue to work for it today and every day forward.