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Cumberland municipal council passed a motion at a special meeting on Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023, to approve revisions to its Ice Allocation Policy at the Richard Calder Arena in Springhill.

The municipality’s Ice Allocation Policy was last updated in 2020. Its purpose is to provide a set of consistent guidelines for all groups wanting to use the ice surface at the Richard Calder Arena.

The policy is intended to be implemented in a manner that ensures the municipality is providing fair ice times to users while optimizing facility use.

The municipality provides the Cumberland County Minor Hockey Association with 270 hours of free ice time while tournaments and special events affiliated with minor hockey are free. Last year, the CCMHA received $26,730 in free ice time for regular ice and $4,000 in free ice for tournaments.


Municipality of Cumberland purchasing new rescue truck for Westchester Fire Department

The Municipality of Cumberland is purchasing two new rescue vehicles.

Council passed a motion at a special meeting on Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023, to approve the purchase of a 2023 F550 4x4 Crew Cab Rescue Truck for the Westchester Fire Department for the total value (including non-recoverable HST) of $283,958.

The Westchester Fire Department has an area of responsibility that includes both the Highway 4 and Highway 104 corridors. The department currently operates an aging two-wheel drive rescue vehicle that is inadequate for its requirements.

The county is also purchasing a rescue vehicle for the Advocate Fire Department. It’s a smaller vehicle and the price - $75,528 including non-recoverable HST - was within the authority of the CAO to approve.

These vehicles were identified by staff as a priority for 2023-24.