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Council votes to forward amendments to Council Meetings and Proceedings Policy to Nov. 22 meeting

Cumberland municipal council is forwarding an amended Council Meetings and Proceedings Policy to its Nov. 22 meeting.

Council meets in accordance with the policy, but amendments are necessary to reflect the process and timelines currently being followed.

The amendments lay out the days of the month meetings shall be held, timelines for notice of scheduling, rescheduling and canceling a meeting. A section has also been added laying out the protocol/process for committee of the whole meetings.

Council to vote Nov. 22 on adding two Parrsboro properties to Tax Reduction Exemption Policy

Council has forwarded a recommendation to its Nov. 22 meeting that will add two Parrsboro properties to the Tax Reduction Exemption Policy.

If approved, the two properties owned by the Parrsboro Lions Club for a total exemption of $1,802.15.

Section 71 of the Municipal Government Act provides authority for council to provide full tax exemptions to properties of a registered Canadian Charitable Organization that is used solely for charitable purposes and property of a non-profit community, charitable, fraternal, education, religious, cultural or sporting organization that provides a service that might not otherwise be a responsibility of council.

Municipal council to consider Compressed 4-Day Work Week Policy at Nov. 22 meeting

Council has agreed to forward a Compressed 4-Day Work Week Policy to its Nov. 22 meeting for approval.

Several municipalities in Nova Scotia have implemented a compressed work week. Employees would work the same number of hours within four days instead of five.

Staff consulted with other municipalities to learn about their process, the rationale and the pros and cons of implementing a compressed work week.  They learned that a number of other municipalities in the province observed an increase in customer service as well as in employee satisfaction in areas like work-life balance leading to better opportunities for employee recruitment and retention.

Municipal staff were surveyed in April asking about their interest and what they saw as opportunities and barriers specific to their position and their department with 93 per cent of respondents indicating an interest in a compressed work week.

The initiative is proposed to be implemented in February of 2024. As a result of the lengthened work day, reception desks and services like building inspection will be open to the public for a full hour longer each day, 8 am to 5 pm five days per week. Public Works staff – particularly those workers whose duties involve providing direct transportation, water and wastewater services would not be included in the initial implementation of this initiative as proposed.

Municipality to send letter to Scotiabank protesting planned closure of Pugwash branch

Council has passed a motion to forward a letter of concern to Scotiabank regarding the closure of its Pugwash branch and the devastating effects of such closure of the resident of the community and the surrounding area.

Scotiabank is preparing to close several branches across Atlantic Canada. The bank says the decision is being led by a growing preference for online banking.

It’s believed the Pugwash branch will be consolidated with the Scotiabank’s Oxford location.

The closure is set for June 2024.

The bank is also consolidating branches in Sydney Mines, Sheet Harbour and Westville, N.S. as well as other branches in Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island. Annapolis Royal, Shelburne and Bridgetown are expected to close by next year. Also slated for closure are branches in New Waterford and the Fairview area of Halifax.