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Cumberland Regional Emergency Management will have a number of comfort centres around Cumberland County that will open as necessary to serve people should prolonged power outages occur during the coming storm.

The centers may provide different services depending on the resources available, however, all comfort centers are intended to provide a place to get warm, get a warm drink, recharge devices, check on each other and share information, use the washroom and to get updates on weather and power restoration.

Some centres may provide a snack or food prepared by volunteers or a space to prepare their own food.

Please note, however, a comfort centre is not an overnight shelter.

For more information, follow the Municipality of Cumberland social media, or call Cumberland REMO at 902-667-3746.

Comfort centers will be opened on a community-by-community basis.

Here are the locations of comfort centres within the Cumberland Region:

Advocate: Advocate Fire Hall, 4176, Highway 209

Amherst: Amherst Fire Hall, 62 Albion St.

Amherst: First Baptist Church, 90 Victoria St.

Collingwood: Collingwood Community Hall, 70 Collingwood Rd.

Diligent River: Diligent River Community Hall, 10267 Parrsboro Shore Rd.

Joggins: Joggins Volunteer Fire Department, 4 Highway 242

Leicester: Leicester Fire Department, 3640 Highway 204

Northport: Northport Community Hall, 7508 Highway 366

Oxford: Oxford Fire Hall, 115 Waverly St.

Parrsboro: Parrsboro Fire Hall, 252 Willow St.

Port Greville: FPW Fire Hall, 8484 Highway 209

Pugwash: Pugwash Ground Search and Rescue, 61 King St.

Pugwash: Pugwash Fire Hall, 11057 Highway 6

River Hebert: River Hebert Fire Department, 1495 Highway 242

Shinimicas: Shinimicas Fire Department, 5056 Highway 6

Southampton: Southampton Community Centre, 8845 Highway 2

Springhill: Dr. Carson and Marion Murray Community Centre, 6 Main St.

Tidnish: Tidnish Community Centre, 4358 Highway 366

Truemanville: Truemanville Fire Hall, 2389 Highway 6

Wallace: Wallace Community Hall, 13922 Highway 6

Wallace: Wallace Fire Hall, 3760 Highway 307

Wentworth: Wentworth Fire Hall/Community Centre, 13736 Highway 4

Westchester: Westchester, Westchester Fire Hall, 123 Valley Rd.