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Infrastructure AnnouncementFor many years Cumberland County residents have complained about the condition of a major transportation link in the heart of the community.

With the assistance of the federal and provincial governments, the Municipality of Cumberland is embarking on a pair of projects totalling more than $6.4 million that will see new water and wastewater infrastructure for both Junction Road and the Athol Road.

Municipality of Mayor Murray Scott was joined by Cumberland South MLA and Natural Resources and Renewables Minister Tory Rushton and Kings-Hants MP Kody Blois in making the announcement on Saturday, Feb. 25, at the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre in Springhill.

“This is big news for Springhill and Cumberland County,” Scott said. “We’ve had decades and decades of attempts with just patchwork on Junction Road and the Athol Road. This is a complete overhaul and what needs to be done to do it properly.”

The federal government is committing $2.5 million to the project while the province is providing $2.1 million. The Municipality of Cumberland’s share is $1.7 million.

Scott said he is so appreciative of the support from the federal and provincial governments.

“Without their support, it would be impossible for the Municipality of Cumberland to address this,” the mayor said. “It’s crucial to the success of our community.”

This project will completely renew all underground infrastructure as well as the roadway and sidewalk on Junction Road, where, from Lisgar Street to Main Street, a stormwater system will be installed. The existing ditches will be replaced with curbs and gutters, and a new stormwater outlet will be built. As well, the project will replace the existing sanitary sewer, which will eliminate stormwater from the sanitary system. The existing water distribution infrastructure will also be replaced.

“It will be all new infrastructure underground, removing the infrastructure that has been there for nearly a hundred years,” the mayor said.

Along the Athol Road from the intersection of the road and McGee Street, 800 metres of aging water distribution line will be replaced. As well, the project will replace 125 metres of water line along Beaton Lane, extending off Athol Road. The project also includes the replacement of the asphalt roadway from the intersection with McGee Street to the former town boundary.

“This investment is all about critical infrastructure for the Municipality of Cumberland to upgrade and enhance stormwater systems and replace water lines, which will help contribute to a growing municipality,” Blois said. “I am pleased to see this partnership with all three levels of government coming together to make this project a reality.”

Rushton welcomed the announcement, adding it’s something residents in the area have been waiting for.

“This is a project I’ve advocated for since I was first elected in 2018 and I know it’s something the mayor has been working towards for many years. Finally, we are able to get these projects off the ground,” Rushton said. “It’s great to see the three levels of government coming together to make this a reality. This is going to upgrade the link between one end of Cumberland and the other end of Cumberland. It’s going to help drive tourism and commerce.”