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A woman and a man stand beside a man signing a document.
Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott signs a proclamation declaring Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, at National Acadian Day in the Municipality of Cumberland while Sharon Gould of the Minudie Heritage Association and Leon Landry from the Cumberland County Acadian Society look on.

Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, is National Acadian Day in Canada and the Municipality of Cumberland helped celebrate the day by hosting a flag-raising ceremony and signing a proclamation in recognition of the day.

Sharon Gould from the Minudie Heritage Association and Leon Landry from the Cumberland County Acadian Society joined Mayor Murray Scott in raising the Acadian flag at the Upper Nappan Service Centre and signing a proclamation proclamation declaring Aug. 15 as National Acadian Day in the Municipality of Cumberland.

The Acadian flag will remain flying at the service centre, the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre and the Parrsboro flag poles for two weeks until Aug. 23, 2024.
Cumberland County is firmly entrenched as part of Acadian history. One of Acadia's larger communities, Beaubassin, was located near present day Fort Lawrence, while many communities, including Minudie and River Hebert, were founded by Acadian settlers.

Many residents in the municipality can tie their roots to those first settlers 350 years ago.

National Acadian Day encourages Canadians to celebrate not only Acadia’s historical roots, but also the ongoing strength of its people and culture.

Despite tragic history, like their deportation during the Acadian Expulsion – a period of persecution and exile in the 18th century – Acadians have shown remarkable resilience by preserving their language, culture, and vibrant traditions.

Today, in keeping with their values, Acadian communities will showcase their artisanal and culinary heritage, and host concerts, dances, and ‘tintamarres’ – processions demonstrating the vitality and solidarity of the Acadian people.

The Acadian people, pioneers and builders of the country, have celebrated Acadian Day on August 15 since 1881, the year in which the first national Acadian convention was held in Memramcook, N.B. The National Acadian Day Act was passed by the Government of Canada in 2003.

Acadian Flag

Acadian Proclamation