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Mayor Murray Scott signs a proclamation declaring the week of Dec. 3-10 as International Human Rights Week within the municipality.
Mayor Murray Scott signs a proclamation declaring the week of Dec. 3-10 as International Human Rights Week within the municipality.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The creation of this foundational document was a milestone in international human rights recognition and paved the way for every treaty, mechanism, and piece of legislation which has come since, at international, federal, and provincial levels.

At the core of the UDHR is the concept that human rights are universal.

The first sentence of the UDHR’s preamble refers to the ‘recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family’ as the ‘foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world’.Mayor Human Rights

Mayor Murray Scott signs a proclamation declaring the week of Dec. 3-10 as International Human Rights Week within the municipality.


Universal human rights means just that – human rights for all.

All is a simple word to understand but it can be a challenging concept when it comes to human rights.

Universal human rights means human rights for people from opposing sides of conflicts or arguments. People with different beliefs or world views. People you might disapprove of, people who have committed crimes, people with disability or illness or addiction, people in disability or aged care.

Universal means everyone.

Human rights aren’t just about individual people. Recognizing the rights we all hold helps bring the community together and reflect our shared values, like freedom and respect, as a foundation for helping address the challenges we all face.

When we treat everyone with dignity and respect, everyone is better off.

Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott has signed a proclamation declaring the week of Dec. 3 to 10 as International Human Rights Week within the municipality.

The proclamation reads,

WHEREAS All of us belong to one family – the human family – and have the same fundamental and equal rights, the entitlement to have those rights respected, and the responsibility to protect the rights of other people; and

WHEREAS differences of race, gender, sexual orientation, language, and colour do not change these rights, nor do differences of property, social origin, political ideas or religious believes; and

WHEREAS everyone, regardless of who they are, or what they do or think, is born with human rights; and

WHEREAS 75 years ago, governments set a new world standard for human rights – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948;

AND WHEREAS the declaration is based on the twin pillars of freedom from fear and freedom from want, and has had an immense impact throughout the world;

THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Mayor Murray Scott, on behalf of the Municipality of Cumberland council, do hereby proclaim Dec. 3 to 10, 2023, as International Human Rights Week within the Municipality of Cumberland.