The Municipality of Cumberland’s Recreation Department has just wrapped up a series of public consultations that will help it develop a new Active Living and Recreation Strategy.
RC Strategies led the consultations that will result in a plan to guide the future priorities and support healthy and active living for the next five years.
“An important input to the development of the strategy is engagement with residents throughout the county to provide feedback as it pertains to physical and social active living,” municipal active living coordinator Carolyn Bollwerk said. “This was accomplished through hosting five public community open houses in Parrsboro, Springhill, Pugwash, Wentworth and River Hebert, as well as 2 community organizations engagement sessions, and consultation with various departments within the municipality.”
During the open house sessions, residents had the opportunity to directly provide feedback in various areas of active living and recreation.
All the feedback gathered from all sessions is being compiled by the consultant and will be used to assist developing the five-year strategy.
“These sessions are just one piece of data set used in the development of the strategy. The consultants are taking a holistic look at the county – its assets, demographic, operations, policies, and numerous other areas,” Bollwerk said. “The strategy, once complete, will be passed through council and adopted as the guiding document for active living and recreation services in Cumberland for the next five years.”