The Municipality of Cumberland has announced its 2023-24 grants program.
The municipality recognizes the important contribution volunteer organizations make to the sustainability of communities and the county and wishes to support their efforts by providing financial assistance when that is necessary.
This program may be used to support any type of activity that benefits the community, including recreation, health and healthy living, social opportunities and community service, stewardship of the environment, education and life-long learning, community economic development and tourism, heritage, culture, and creative arts.
County General Grants
The County General Grants program supports community activities in four categories:
Capital Projects– For assistance with the construction of a new indoor or outdoor community facility, or renovations or major repairs to an existing one. Applicants can apply for up to 50 percent of the costs of a capital construction project.
Operation and Maintenance– For assistance with the costs of operating and maintaining indoor and outdoor community facilities that provide services and benefits to residents of the Municipality of Cumberland, applicants can apply for up to 20 percent of annual operations and maintenance costs to a maximum of $3,000.
Programs– For assistance with the costs of providing ongoing programs or services for the benefit of the community, applicants can apply for up to 30 percent of the costs of a program/service, to a maximum of $5,000.
Special Events and Initiatives– For assistance with the costs associated with hosting an annual special event or festival, new or one-time events, or other initiatives such as (but not limited to) the development of a master plan, engineering or design work, marketing and promotion, or hosting a conference or training workshop, applicants can apply for up to 30 percent of the costs of a special event/initiative, to a maximum of $5,000.Only not-for-profit organizations are eligible to apply. Individuals and businesses are ineligible. For capital construction, renovation or major repairs, applicants must own or have a long-term lease to the property, or another acceptable form of a written agreement with the landowner.
Churches and religious organizations are eligible to apply for assistance with facilities, projects and programs readily available to the community. However, projects related to the sanctuary and programs related to religious activities of the church are not eligible.
In exceptional circumstances, where the need is clear and urgent, the council may decide to approve funding greater than the maximum percentages and limits described in the table above.
Requests above $3,000 - The normal deadline for applications for funding more than $3,000 is March 31.
In exceptional circumstances, an application for funding in excess of $3,000 may be accepted after March 31 if the project could not reasonably have been anticipated prior to the deadline (e.g. emergency repairs).
Requests below $3,000 - Grant requests for less than $3,000 do not have a deadline, and may be taken to council throughout the year, although they are still dependent on what remains in the budget.
Application & Guidelines
Applications and further information can be found at:
Applications must include all additional material listed on the checklist on the last page of the application.
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to budget availability.
Contact InformationPlease submit your General County Grant application to:
Mail: Municipality of Cumberland, Upper Nappan Service Centre, 1395 Blair Lake Rd., Upper Nappan, NS B4H 3Y4 Attention: Peter McCracken