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Flags at all municipal properties will be lowered to half-mast on Thursday and Friday, April 18 and 19, in recognition of the fourth anniversary of the 2020 mass shooting that touched many communities in northern Nova Scotia, including Cumberland County.

Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott is echoing Premier Tim Houston in asking residents to pause for a moment of silence at noon on both days.

“It has been four years since the tragic events of April 18-19, 2020, and not a day, week or month passes that takes away those horrible memories of what happened. It’s important for us as a community to pause, reflect and remember the lives lost and honour the survivors, the families and all of those who have been impacted,” Mayor Scott said.

Residents, businesses and community organizations that fly flags are also encouraged to lower them to half-mast April 18-19.

Twenty-two people plus an unborn child were killed by a gunman beginning on the night of April 18, 2020, in Portapique and ending on April 19, 2020, when the gunman was shot and killed as a gas station in Enfield. Four of the people killed were residents of Wentworth, including Sean McLeod, Alannah Jenkins, Lillian Campbell and Tom Bagley.

Remembering and reflecting on the events of 2020 may affect Nova Scotians in different ways.

People in need of emotional support can call 211 to reach a community resource navigator who can connect them with help.

Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can call the provincial mental health and addictions crisis line any time at 1-888-429-8167.

Information on mental health services and support can also be found online at: .