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Isabel Chapman accepts her 35-year certificate from Municipality of Cumberland CAO Greg Herrett (left) and Mayor Murray Scott. Darrell Cole - Municipality of Cumberland photo
Isabel Chapman accepts her 35-year certificate from Municipality of Cumberland CAO Greg Herrett (left) and Mayor Murray Scott. Darrell Cole - Municipality of Cumberland photo

The Municipality of Cumberland recognized 13 long-serving employees during an employee appreciation ceremony at the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre in Springhill on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023.

Isabelle Chapman was recognized for 35 years of service as a crossing guard with the former town of Springhill and the Municipality of Cumberland, while another crossing guard, Virginia Kelly, was recognized for 30 years of service to the municipality.

“This event is a great opportunity to pass along our appreciation to all of our staff members for their efforts, everyday, to the provision of excellent municipal services here in Cumberland County,” Municipality of Cumberland chief administrative officer Greg Herrett said. “Often, it seems, their work is taken for granted and they’re the target of criticism rather than gratitude. I’m really pleased to say ‘thank you’ to our staff on behalf of the municipality.  Employee Appreciation Group

The Municipality of Cumberland presented long-service awards to 13 members of staff. Among those receiving awards were: (front, from left) Margaret Pitts, Jennifer Moore, Ralph Pettigrew, Isobelle Chapman, (back, from left) CAO Greg Herrett, Justin Waugh-Cress, Cathy Coon and Mayor Murray Scott. Darrell Cole – Municipality of Cumberland photo


“A number of our employees have also reached significant milestones in their municipal careers. We’re happy to honor them and thank them for their dedication to serving their communities.”

Being recognized for 25 years of service were Catherine Coon, the administrative assistant in the engineering department, and Public Works operation supervisor John Burbine.

Recognized for 15 years of service were crossing guard Candace Calder, GIS analyst Margaret Pitts, driver Ralph Pettigrew, mechanic/driver Tom Hunter, labourer/equipment operator Gerry Clark and facility maintenance person Jack Gilroy while revenue officer Jennifer Moore, director of Public Works Justin Waugh-Cress and community centre maintenance person Joel Stone were recognized for 10 years.

Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott said the strength of the organization as a whole is in its employees.

“Every organization depends on its employees and we have a lot of people who have served this municipality with dedication and commitment for many years,” the mayor said. “We’re so privileged and honoured to have these employees and we’re so thankful to be able to recognize them for everything they do to make this a great place to live.”

Employee Appreciation Chapman

The Municipality of Cumberland presented long-service awards to 13 members of staff. Among those receiving awards were: (front, from left) Margaret Pitts, Jennifer Moore, Ralph Pettigrew, Isobelle Chapman, (back, from left) CAO Greg Herrett, Justin Waugh-Cress, Cathy Coon and Mayor Murray Scott. Darrell Cole – Municipality of Cumberland photo