Council gives first reading to Wards Brook, West Amherst land-use bylaw amendments
Cumberland municipal council has approved first reading of an amendment to the land-use bylaw that will rezone a property at 19 McCully Lane in Wards Brook from Agriculture to Commercial Recreation.
A public hearing will be scheduled prior to second reading.
The property is presently assigned two zones with the north portion zoned Country Residential and the waterside portion to the south zoned Agriculture. The property owner wants to rezone the Agriculture portion, approximately 8.5 acres, to Commercial Recreation that would permit the development and operation of campsites on the property.
Since the original zoning assignment in 2018, the property has been used as a source for gravel. Due to the lack of topsoil, the property is no longer suitable for agricultural purposes.
Council also approved first reading of an amendment to the land-use bylaw to rezone 1370 Southampton Rd. in West Amherst from Country Residential to Rural Industrial and to add office as a permitted as-of-right use. It will also create a 10-metre buffer area from the common property line of any adjacent residential use.
A public hearing will be scheduled prior to second reading.
The property owner wants to develop a transport truck and trailer storage area and a small office for a transport truck strategy.
In future, the property owners want the ability to permit an automotive service building for repairs of company trucks and trailers.
Council approves new Expense Reimbursement Policy
Municipal council has approved a new expense reimbursement policy and is repealing the reimbursement policy for council members and the chief administrative officer.
The new policy will consolidate the policy for councillors and CAO and for staff and committee members.
The policy sets out the signing authority for expense claims, responsibilities of individuals submitting expense claims and what expenses qualify for reimbursement.
Council approves amended grants policy
Cumberland municipal council has passed a motion to approve an amended grants policy.
The municipality’s grants program was last updated in 2015. The policy gives council direction for funding community initiatives using a consistent approach for all applicants.
The policy’s updates will reflect the county’s two grants streams: the county general grants that saw $837,000 approved for 90 organizations in 2024-25, and the district grant program that allows each councillor and the mayor to spend $10,000 on eligible projects.
Council approves amendments to Tax Reduction and Exemption Policy
Council has approved an amended Tax Reduction and Exemption Policy to include three properties divested by the Municipality of Cumberland to The Sunset Community Inc.
Under the Municipal Government Act, council has the authority to provide full tax exemptions for properties of a registered charity, non-profit community, charitable, fraternal, education, recreational, religious, cultural or sporting organization that provides a service that might otherwise be a responsibility of council.
Council approves an amended policy regarding safety lights
Municipal council has approved an amended policy regarding safety lights.
The municipality owns and maintains an inventory of safety lights that provide additional illumination where a hazard may exist, or is of benefit to roadway safety.
The policy establishes the process to determine whether to install a safety light at a particular location. The update will align the document with the municipality’s current organizational structure and reduce the number of staff involved in safety light review and decision-making.
Council asks for staff reports on food trucks in Springhill and repeated unsightly premises violations
Council has passed a motion to have staff create a report on the issues surrounding the feasibility of establishing a bylaw to regulate food trucks in Springhill.
Council also voted to ask staff to create a report on the pros and cons of establishing fines for repeated unsightly premises violations.