Second Reading and Adoption of the By-law to Amend the LUB 24-12, the Shaw Rural Housing Development Agreement and By-law to Amend the LUB 24-13 took place on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
The purpose of the adopted items are:
By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-12 and Shaw Rural Housing Development Agreement
- Rezone multiple PIDs bound by Elm St, Mechanic St, Crossin St, and Roberston Ave. from Lower Density Residential (RLow) to Multi-Unit Residential (RMul)
- Permit the development of a maximum of 107 residential units in Springhill.
By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-13
- Rezone a portion of PID 25072455 and PID 25359803, Burns Drive, Upper Nappan from Highway Commercial (CHwy) to General Commercial (CGen) and add Medical Offices as a permitted use as-of-right in the General Commercial Zone.
Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning, or the Council of any adjoining municipality may, within fourteen days of the publishing of this notice, appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (1-855-442-4448 /
Amanda Kinnear
Acting Clerk