A Public Hearing regarding the By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-14, and 24-16 and to Schedule A of the LUB for the
Municipality of Cumberland will be held 4:00 pm, Wednesday, January 22, 2025 in the Council Chambers of the Upper Nappan Service Centre.
Note that this meeting may be rescheduled or conducted online, visit cumberlandcounty.ns.ca to verify meeting schedule.
By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-14
- PID 25189911, 19 McCully Lane, Wards Brook from Agriculture (AG) Zone to Commercial Recreation (CRec) Zone.
By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-16
- PID 25394958, 1370 Southampton Rd, West Amherst from Country Residential (RCou) Zone to Rural Industrial (IRur) Zone and to add office as a permitted as-of-right use in the Rural Industrial (IRur) Zone AND to create Section 11.3.8 to create a 10m buffer area from the common property line of any adjacent residential use.
Hearing documents can be viewed at plancumberland.ca/hearings or by contacting our office at 902-667-2313. Public Hearings are open to the public. You may participate by submitting comments by email to: