A Public Hearing regarding the By-law to Amend the LUB 24-12, the Shaw Rural Housing Development Agreement and also the By-law to Amend the LUB 24-13 for the Municipality of Cumberland will be held 4:00 pm, Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 in the Council Chambers of the Upper Nappan Service Centre.
By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-12 and the Shaw Rural Housing Development Agreement
- Rezone multiple PIDS within the bounds of Mechanic St., Elm St., and Crossin St., Springhill from Lower Density Residential (RLow) Zone to Multi-Unit Residential (RMul) Zone to enable the development of a high-density, large-scale housing project.
By-law to Amend the Land Use By-law 24-13
- Rezone a portion of PID 25072455 and PID 25359803, Burns Drive, Upper Nappan from Highway Commercial (CHwy) to General Commercial (CGen) and add Medical Offices as a permitted use as-of-right in the General Commercial Zone.
Hearing documents can be viewed at plancumberland.ca/hearings or by contacting our office at 902-667-2313. Public Hearings are open to the public. You may participate by submitting comments by email to: