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Notice is hereby given that the following described lands and premises, situated in the Municipality of Cumberland will be sold at Public Auction by the Treasurer of the Municipality of Cumberland unless such taxes, interest and expenses are paid in full before the date of the sale. 

The Public Auction will be held at the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre located at 6 Main Street, Springhill, NS on March 18th, 2025, at 10:00 am according to the law, bidder registration will begin at 9:00 am . 

Terms of the sale: Cash, money order, certified cheque, lawyer’s trust cheque or debit card – amount to equal the total due for the property noted below – to be paid at the time of the sale, plus $200 to register the Certificate of Sale and prepare the Tax Deed. If paying by debit, verify your available daily limit before the date of the sale.  The balance of the purchase price, if any, is to be paid similarly within three business days of the sale.

The Municipality of Cumberland makes no representations or warrantees to any purchaser regarding the fitness, geophysical or environmental suitability of the land (s) and/or premises offered for sale for any particular use and are being sold on an “as is” basis only.  Although the Municipality has made all reasonable efforts to confirm ownership, it does not guarantee title or boundaries of the aforementioned property. 

Prospective Purchasers are responsible to conduct their own searches and surveys or other investigations. 

Commercial properties and land are subject to HST.

In accordance with the Municipality of Cumberland Revenue Collection Policy 18-05, section 9 states that the Municipality will not accept a tender/bid from a tax assessed owner, his/her agent, or his/her immediate family for any sum less than the full amount of taxes, interest and expenses associated with respect to the land.

For a more detailed description please contact the Municipal Building at 1395 Blair Lake Road, Phone 902-667-2313, Toll Free 1-888-756-6262 or visit our website at

Click here for a complete listing of properties and their descriptions.