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Pugwash LibraryPugwash is gearing up for a big celebration on Saturday, July 29, as it marks the grand opening of its new $2.198-million library.

 Representatives from the Municipality of Cumberland and the Nova Scotia government will join with the Cumberland Public Libraries and a citizens group that raised in excess of $500,000 to celebrate what has become an incredible success story.

“For many years we were told about the need for a new library in Pugwash. The old library was obsolete almost from the moment it opened more than 30 years ago. We were told if we build it, the community will come,” Municipality of Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott said. “As a municipality, we made the decision to build this wonderful facility and the community has responded in so many ways by supporting the community fundraising campaign and by using the library as much as they have since it opened. It’s really something worth celebrating. Together we celebrate this great project.”

The library will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with a number of special activities to celebrate the occasion including children’s events like a puppet show and arts and crafts as well as demonstrations for everyone, including a 3D printer.

Beginning at 1 p.m., the official opening ceremonies will begin with remarks from Municipality of Cumberland Deputy Mayor Mark Joseph and Hants East MLA John A. MacDonald on behalf of the Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister Patrick Dunn.

Remarks will also be read from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, followed by the ribbon-cutting ceremony.Denise Corey, chief librarian of the Cumberland Public Libraries, said the facility has been welcomed by the community.

“During the month of June alone there were more than 2,000 people through the library,” Corey said. “It’s been that way since the library opened in early February. That’s a big number for a little community.”

The library has so many advantages the old library in the former train station didn’t have. The biggest difference is extra space at 3,900 square feet, while the community room has been practically booked solid with more events, including a possible author series, planned for the fall.

The official opening coincides with the Pugwash Farmers Market and HarbourFest.