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The Municipality of Cumberland will be holding Public Hearings on the following topics:

  • Public Sewer By-Law
  • Local Improvement By-Law

Date of Public Hearings: Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Public Hearings are open to the public and ensure residents have an opportunity to provide Council with their comments and concerns regarding the by-laws. During the COVID-19 pandemic Council is holding virtual meetings.

For methods on how to participate please read more


To facilitate public participation and provide an opportunity for Council to hear your comments and concerns regarding the by-laws we have arranged for you to participate in the following ways:

  • Call in to the Public Hearing and speak to Council. You must pre-register to do this by contacting:

Shelley Hoeg on or before September 2, 2020, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an appointment for your call;


  • Submit your comments in writing for Council’s consideration. Please identify the by-law by name. 

Submissions must be received on or before September 2, 2020, and can be sent:

via email to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
with the subject line “Public Hearing Comments”;


via regular mail to:
Brenda Moore, Municipal Clerk
E.D. Fullerton Municipal Building
1395 Blair Lake Road
Upper Nappan, NS B4H 3Y4

We must strictly adhere to deadlines for submissions and appointments

The purpose of the pdf proposed Local Improvement By-Law (220 KB)  is to establish the way that the Municipality will charge and enforce payment of charges for local improvements such as water systems and sewer systems. The properties to be rated or charged will be determined on a project-by-project basis and be included in, or added to, Schedule “A” of the By-law.

The purpose of the pdf proposed Public Sewer By-Law (396 KB)  is to outline the operational aspects of the sewer systems (i.e. the connection and disconnection process), define the manner in which sewer charges are calculated and assigned, and set out the specifications for what is acceptable to discharge to a public sewer.

These by-laws are intended to replace the current Local Improvement and Public Sewers By-Laws.

Copies of the DRAFT By-Laws may be viewed by clicking on the links above or you may request a copy by contacting our office at 902-667-2313 or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.