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The Cumberland region’s new Community Navigator needs your help.

“We are looking to develop a guide to the Cumberland region, one that enables newcomers and life-long residents alike to easily find information about our wonderful part of Nova Scotia in one concise package,” Allison Watson said. “We want people to tell us via a survey what they love about the towns of Amherst and Oxford and the Municipality of Cumberland, where the towns and county’s hidden gems are or the special place where they take people to when they come for a visit.“

The public’s input will play a major role in the development of the guide.

To fill out the survey online, people are asked to go to Public Survey - Cumberland Region Guide.

Paper copies of the survey can also be found at all libraries within the Cumberland Public Libraries network. They can also be mailed out to folks by request.

“We request that people turn in the surveys, which are available now at the above locations, by May 1,” Watson said. “Those who fill out a paper copy can return it to the library branch where they picked it up or mail it to me, Community Navigator Allison Watson, Box 516, 98 Victoria St. E., Amherst, Nova Scotia, B4H 4A1.”

Those who fill out the survey have the chance to win a $100 gift card to the local business of their choosing, provided they include their contact information in the survey.

While the guide’s main use will be to help attract new physicians and other healthcare professionals to the Cumberland region, Watson said other organizations and businesses within the region can benefit from it as well as “it will provide details about Amherst, Oxford, the Municipality of Cumberland as well as Springhill, Pugwash and Parrsboro, especially what people love about the area, that people recruited to the area would want to know.”

The Town of Amherst and the Municipality of Cumberland are pleased to recognize the support they are receiving from the Province of Nova Scotia, Watson said.