Accessibility Tools

Accessibility Advisory Committee

Do you have opinions or ideas about crumbling sidewalks, employment equity, and other accessibility concerns? Now is your chance to have your voice heard and make a difference in our county through the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 

The Committee gives advice to Council on removing obstacles for people with disabilities in all the municipality’s programs and services, and putting our ideas into action to make life simpler and better for people with disabilities. The Committee plays an important role in reaching Nova Scotia’s goal to be accessible by 2030.MCC SK Call for Volunteers Accessibility Committee 2024 02

At least one half of the members of the committee must have a disability (or represent an organization that serves people with disabilities). Disability is a condition that makes it harder for someone to participate, sometimes or always.  
(Accessibility Act: “disability” includes a physical, mental, intellectual, learning or sensory impairment, including an episodic disability, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders an individual’s full and effective participation in society)

Applications can be found online (link below) or physical copies in Springhill at the Dr. Carson & Marion Murray Community Centre and in Upper Nappan at the E. D. Fullerton Municipal Building. The deadline for applications is March 29, 2024. Your completed application may be submitted by mail or by email to: 

Address: PO Box 1000, 43 Main St, Springhill, NS B0M 1X0 
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Subject line: Accessibility Advisory Committee Volunteer 

For more information about the Accessibility Advisory Committee, go to or contact Stephanie Keilhack at (902) 694-3159 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (including a simple reach-out if you want to be involved but the application process is inaccessible to you).

pdf MCC SK Call for Volunteers Accessibility Committee 2024 02 (151 KB)