Public engagement sessions on policing wrap up in Cumberland
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Residents in River Hebert told consultants studying the future of policing in Cumberland County on Tuesday, Oct. 4, that they want increased RCMP visibility in their community.
It was a theme heard throughout the five public engagement sessions hosted by the Municipality of Cumberland and Narrative Research as part of a review of policing services in the county.
Public Hearings September 9, 2020
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The Municipality of Cumberland will be holding Public Hearings on the following topics:
- Public Sewer By-Law
- Local Improvement By-Law
Date of Public Hearings: Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearings are open to the public and ensure residents have an opportunity to provide Council with their comments and concerns regarding the by-laws. During the COVID-19 pandemic Council is holding virtual meetings.
For methods on how to participate please read more
Update on the Public Sewer By-law Process
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In June 2019, council asked staff to streamline all existing Sewer By-laws into a common document. Over the summer of 2019, staff worked to compare and compile the 6 existing by-laws into one. Care was taken to look at the best practices of neighbouring and similar municipalities, and to consider the most common approach in the existing documents.
At the October 23, 2019 council meeting, a draft of the compiled by-law was presented to council and council asked that staff engage the public before moving forward.
Four public information sessions were held in November 2019. At the November 27, 2019 council meeting a report was provided by staff on the comments and suggestions heard from the public. Council directed staff to maintain individual system rates for determining sewer charges and also directed staff to investigate the feasibility of a metered sewer rate in areas that also have metered water services.
It is important to note that by investigating this option, the passing and adoption of a new Public Sewer By-law will be postponed until the new year. This means that the previously announced deadline to advise property owners of their sewer assessment by December 31, 2019, will need to be extended until February 28, 2020.
Council and staff are grateful to the residents who attended the information sessions and provided feedback.
For the pdf staff report to council on the public engagement sessions (214 KB) .